LIU, Ziying
Research Fellow
(As of 04/01/2024)
Research theme
- Development economics, Health economics
Educational background
- Kobe University, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, PhD in Economics candidate
- Kobe University, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Master in Economics
- University of Hyogo, Department of Economics, Bachelor of Arts
- 2019/05-2024/3 Research assistant, JSPS project "A Comparative Study of Primary Health Care Systems in Indochina Peninsula"
- Japanese Association for Development Economics (JADE)
- The Japan Society for International Development (JASID)
- 【Conference Presentations】
- "Health volunteer's behavioral change caused by a nudge-based interventiion to prevent infectious disease", The 34th JASID Annual Coference, Sophia University, 2023/11.
- "Health volunteers' preferences towards rewards", The 33th JASID Annual Coference, Meiji University, 2022/12.
- "“The impact of incentive payment for health workers on patients’ health facility choice: A case study of the health sector in Cambodia”, The 32th JASID Annual Coference, Kanazawa University, 2021/11.
- “The impact of incentive payment for health workers on patients’ health facility choice”, The 31th JASID Annual Coference, Tsuda University, 2020/12.
- "Health economics in Developing countries”, National University of Laos, 2019/9.
- "Health system comparison between East Asia countries and Japan”, Jinan University, 2017/11.