YUGAMI, Kazufumi
Professor, Kobe University
(As of 04/01/2024)
Educational background
- Ph.D. in Economics, Osaka University, 2001
- Master of Economics, Osaka University, 1997
- Bachelor of Economics, Kobe University, 1995
- Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, 2021-Present.
- Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, 2007-2021.
- Researcher, The Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training, 2003-2007.
- Researcher, The Japan Institute of Labor, 2001-2003.
Books and Chapters
- Empirical study about the effect of parental and child longevity on child education under COVID-19, International Journal of Economic Policy Studies, 2024. (co-authored with Koji Yasuda,Tomoko Kinugasa, Kouhei Masumoto, and Shigeyuki Hamori)
- Changes in subjective mortality expectations and savings during COVID-19: empirical analysis using questionnaire data in Japan, Applied Economics, 1-13, 2023. (co-authored with Tomoko Kinugasa, Kouhei Masumoto, Koji Yasuda, and Shigeyuki Hamori)
- Aging Workforce, Productivity, and Wages in Japan, Work, Aging and Retirement, 2023. (co-authored withMingyu Jiang, Sachiko Kazekami, and Hiroki Yasuda)
- Genda,Y. (eds.) (contributed by Yugami, K.) The Working Map of the 30s, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2018. (in Japanese)
- Abe, M. Kan, M. and Yugami, K.(eds.) Economics of Occupation, Tokyo: Chuo Keizai-sha, 2017. (in Japanese)
- Kawaguchi, D. (eds.)(contributed by Yugami, K.) Japan's Labor Market: An Economist's Perspective, Tokyo: Yuhikaku, 2017. (in Japanese)
Journal Articles and Papers
- Working from home, job tasks, and productivity, Telecommunications Policy, 2024(Co-authored)
- "Firm Age and Wage Determination: Evidence from Matched Employer–employee Data in Japan," Applied Economics Letters, 28(2), 2021, pp.133-136.(co-authored with Hiroko Okajima, Atsushi Morimoto, Shigeharu Okajima, and Kenta Nakamura)
- "Regional Differences in College Enrollment and the Wage Premium: Focusing on Regional Differences in College Enrollment Rates," Journal of Economic Policy Studies, 16(1), 2019, pp.28-43. (co-authored with Kunie Akagi, Norimichi Esashi, and Yoshiyuki Tanaka) (in Japanese)
- "Mental Health of Small and Medium Enterprise Workers:
- An Empirical Analysis Using Medical Claims Data from Japan Health Insurance Association," Journal of Health Care and Society, 27(3), 2017, pp.377-391.(co-authored with Juntaro Yamaoka, Yoshihide Fujioka, Jun Suzuki and Yoshimi Adachi) (in Japanese)
- Japanese Economic Association
- Japan Economic Policy Association
- Japan Society of Human Resource Management