GOTO, Kenta
Professor, Kansai University
(As of 04/01/2024)
Research theme
- Economic Development, Global Value Chains, Asian Economy, Informal Economy, Area Studies.
Educational background
- 2005 PhD., Kyoto University.
- 2002 Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Environmental Economics (with Distinction), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, The University of London (currently Imperial College London).
- 1998 Master in Public Policy, Harvard University.
- 1993 B.A. Business and Commerce, Keio University.
- 2014- Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kansai University.
- 2016-2018 Vice Dean, Faculty of Economics, Kansai University.
- 2014-2015 Visiting Researcher, Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne.
- 2008-2014 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kansai University.
- 2007-2008 Associate Professor, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
- 2005-2007 Technical Officer in Development Economics, International Labour Organization (ILO), Regional Office for the Asia and Pacific (Bangkok, Thailand).
- 2002-2005 Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
- 1998-2000 Associate Expert in Governance and Economic Transition, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Mongolia Country Office.
- 1993-1996 Itochu Corporation
Books and Chapters
- The Asian Economy: Contemporary Issues and Challenges. London and New York: Routledge (co-edited, 2020).
- What is the Asian Economy? Its Growth Dynamism and Japan’s Future. Tokyo: Chuo-Koron Shinsha Publishers (in Japanese, 2019).
- Asian Economy in the 21st Century. Tokyo: Yuhikaku Publishing (co-edited, in Japanese, 2018).
Journal Articles and Papers
- "Agricultural Modernization and Rural Livelihood Strategies: The Case of Rice Farming in Laos" Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 38 (4), 467-486, 2017 (with Bounlouane Douangngeune).
- "Labor-intensive industries in middle-income countries: traps, challenges, and the local garment market in Thailand" Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 19 (2), 369-386, 2014 (with Tamaki Endo).
- "Upgrading, Relocating, Informalising? Local Strategies in the Era of Globalisation: The Thai Garment Industry" Journal of Contemporary Asia, 44 (1), 1-18, 2014. (with Tamaki Endo).
- "Starting Businesses through Reciprocal Informal Subcontracting: Evidence from the Informal Garment Industry in Ho Chi Minh City" Journal of International Development, 25 (4), 562-582, 2013.
- "Social Networks, Informal Trade Credit, and its Effects on Business Growth: Evidence from the Local Garment Trade in Vietnam" Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 18 (3), 382-395, 2013.
- "Implications for Laos’ development of its increasing regional integration and Chinese influence" Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 25 (2), 68-88, 2011.
- "Competitiveness and Decent Work in Global Value Chains: Substitutionary or Complementary?" Development in Practice, 21 (7), 943-958, 2011.
- "Meeting the Challenge of China: The Vietnamese Garment Industry in the Post MFA Era" Global Networks, 11 (3), 355-379, 2011 (with Kaoru Natsuda and John Thoburn).
- "Challenges to the Cambodian Garment Industry in the Global Garment Value Chain" The European Journal of Development Research, 22 (4), 469-493, 2010 (with Kaoru Natsuda and John Thoburn).
- Japan Association for Asian Studies
- Japan Society for International Development
- 32nd Asia-Pacific Award (2020) – Special Prize (hosted by the Asian Affairs Research Council and MainichiNewspapers) for the book: What is the Asian Economy? Its Growth Dynamism and Japan’s Future.