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List of papers in 2024

  • KIMURA, Fukunari

    The State of Political and Economic Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2024 Fiscal Year » Asia Pacific

    AUTHOR : 
    KIMURA, Fukunari


    This project aims to examine the current state of production networks in East Asia and the future of the international trade order. In addition, it aims to reaffirm the importance of free and open economic activities based on international trade rules, while reconciling the interests of economic security with the economic benefits of globalization in an unstable international environment.

  • GOTO, Kenta

    Sustainability and Human Rights

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2024 Fiscal Year » Asia Pacific

    AUTHOR : 
    GOTO, Kenta


    Achieving the SDGs, boosting ESG investment, and building sustainable supply chains are indispensable factors when devising business strategies in Asia. In view of that, this project aims to disseminate information and educate people about human rights and SDGs management, as well as to change the behavior of companies and consumers with an emphasis on SDGs. This will be achieved through thought-provoking lectures by experts and discussions with moderators at three separate forums. We will continue to deepen discussions on issues related to the implementation of SDGs management based on existing research.

  • SHIMOJO, Shinji

    Inter-city and city-level DX in Kansai and Osaka

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2024 Fiscal Year » Japan and Kansai economy

    AUTHOR : 
    SHIMOJO, Shinji


    Based on last year’s (2023) report entitled “The necessity for ‘urban development’ based on regional data platforms,” a forum will be held inviting experts to deepen discussions on the ideal urban operating system (urban OS) infrastructure to be pursued in the future. The forum is expected to help deepen existing discussions and disseminate information to market participants.

  • NAKATSUKA, Masaya

    Local economic zone based on local production for local consumption: A community model based on food and agriculture

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2024 Fiscal Year » Japan and Kansai economy

    AUTHOR : 
    NAKATSUKA, Masaya


    One of the advantages of the Kansai region is that its urban and rural areas are in close proximity. In consideration of that, this project aims to propose strategies to increase the profitability of agriculture in Kansai based on the integration of urban and rural areas into a community of “local production for local consumption.”

    The project involved conducting fieldwork and interview surveys, evaluating case studies, and summarizing issues for the implementation of a community model based on food and agriculture.

  • INADA, Yoshihisa

    Aiming for a Vibrant Kansai amid Declining Population: Looking Ahead to 2050

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2024 Fiscal Year » Japan and Kansai economy

    AUTHOR : 
    INADA, Yoshihisa


    Japan’s population is declining rapidly, making it increasingly difficult to maintain physical infrastructure in the future due to labor shortages. In view of that, this project aims to explore measures to maintain and improve the Kansai’s affluence and vitality even in the midst of a declining population in the medium and long term.

    This year, a database of labor indicators will be created, based on data from various sources. A comprehensive analysis will then be conducted, making use of APIR’s accumulated knowledge. Finally, the results of the analysis will be utilized to identify the specific labor problems facing the Kansai region.


    Using the 2015 Kansai inter-regional input-output table: Preparation for making the 2020 table

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2024 Fiscal Year » Economic forecast and analysis

    AUTHOR : 


    This project aims to prepare for making the APIR-Kansai inter-regional input-output table for the year 2020 covering 10 prefectures in Kansai and other regions. We plan to conduct a web-based questionnaire survey to construct inter-regional trade matrixes in the 2024 fiscal year. We will also utilize the existing table for the year 2015 to estimate the economic ripple effects of various events, including the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, and to analyze the structure of Kansai’s economy.

  • INADA, Yoshihisa

    Economic ripple effects of Osaka-Kansai Expo -Economic impact of the Greater EXPO and estimates based on the latest data.


    Insight » Trend Watch

     / DATE : 

    AUTHOR : 
    INADA, Yoshihisa / NOMURA, Ryosuke / TAKABAYASHI, Kikuo / IRIE, Hiroaki / SHIMOYAMA, Akira / SHIMODA, Mitsuru


    The objective of this paper is to present an estimate of the economic ripple effects of the Osaka-Kansai Expo based on the most recent data on Expo-related project costs and other pertinent factors. It argues that an expanded Expo (a ‘Greater Expo’) is of great importance. The background to the estimates presented in this analysis include the accelerating inflation rate as well as increasing supply constraints due to the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Despite these challenging circumstances, we maintain that hosting the Osaka-Kansai Expo is of great significance. The Expo represents an invaluable opportunity for the Kansai economy, and by extension, the Japanese economy, to embark on a path of recovery. By seizing this opportunity, we can make a valuable investment in the future, ensuring a successful turnaround. Below is a summary of the results and implications of this analysis:


    1. The final demand for the current period is estimated to be JPY 727.5 billion for Expo-related projects and JPY 891.3 billion for consumption expenditures. The former is estimated to be JPY 138.1 billion (+23.4%) and the latter JPY 104.7 billion (+13.3%) higher than our previous forecast.
    2. The economic ripple effects were calculated based on the final demand derived from the APIR’s Interregional Input-Output Table for Kansai. The induced production amount is JPY 2,745.7 billion in the baseline scenario, which assumes that the Expo will take place only at the Yumeshima site. In the Greater Expo Case 1, the induced production amount is JPY 3,238.4 billion, which assumes an increased number of nights by visitors related to events outside the Yumeshima site. Finally, in the Greater Expo Case 2, the induced production amount is JPY 3,366.7 billion. Case 2 assumes an increase in repeat visitors. These amounts are respectively 15.6% (JPY 369.8 billion), 16.2% (JPY 450.9 billion), and 16.8% (JPY 484.9 billion) higher than our previous forecast.
    3. Our estimates are based on calculations of final demand generated under a specific industrial structure. Since we assume that there are no distinct supply constraints, the results of this analysis should be considered rough estimates.
    4. It is imperative to alleviate supply constraints in order to achieve the projected outcomes. To this end, the utilization of DX (‘Digital Transformation’) will be pivotal. DX will enhance Japan’s potential growth rate. Additionally, in order to attract overseas visitors, it is crucial to refine the availability of travel options in conjunction with the Expo.
  • INADA, Yoshihisa

    Japanese Economy Monthly Forecast (April 2024)

    Asia Pacific Economic Forecast

    Asia Pacific Economic Forecast » Monthly Report(JP)

     / DATE : 

    AUTHOR : 
    INADA, Yoshihisa / KARAVASILEV, Yani


    Forecast updates

    ▶ Our forecast for Japan’s real GDP growth in 2024 Q1 is an annualized -2.9%

    ▶ we forecast a headline inflation (GDP deflator) of +0.1% QoQ in 2024 Q1.

    Download the full report for a detailed analysis.

  • INADA, Yoshihisa

    Kansai Economic Insight Monthly Vol. 132 (April 2024)

    Asia Pacific Economic Forecast

    Asia Pacific Economic Forecast » Monthly Report(Kansai)

     / DATE : 

    AUTHOR : 
    INADA, Yoshihisa / KARAVASILEV, Yani


    Economic conditions are changing, signs of future deterioration:

    Stagnant production and high consumer prices pose downside risks

    Download the full report for a detailed analysis.

  • INADA, Yoshihisa

    Kansai Economic Insight Monthly Vol. 131 (March 2024)

    Asia Pacific Economic Forecast

    Asia Pacific Economic Forecast » Monthly Report(Kansai)

     / DATE : 

    AUTHOR : 
    INADA, Yoshihisa / KARAVASILEV, Yani


    Economic conditions are changing, but the outlook shows signs of bottoming out:

    Slow production recovery poses downward risk to the economy

    Download the full report for a detailed analysis.

  • INADA, Yoshihisa

    Japanese Economy Monthly Forecast (March 2024)

    Asia Pacific Economic Forecast

    Asia Pacific Economic Forecast » Monthly Report(JP)

     / DATE : 

    AUTHOR : 
    INADA, Yoshihisa / KARAVASILEV, Yani


    Forecast updates

    ▶ Our forecast for Japan’s real GDP growth in 2024 Q1 is an annualized -3.0%

    ▶ we forecast a headline inflation (GDP deflator) of +0.0% QoQ in 2024 Q1.

    Download the full report for a detailed analysis.
